On my last day in Vancouver before heading back to Toronto for X-mas, Amit was in town visiting with his girlfriend Kyla (they both go to McGill). Megan and I joined them on a trip to the Aquarium. I still hadn't been to this great Vancouver destination, and I loved it.
Highlights included the great dolphin, the adorable otters, the turtle lovin', the beluga's air-bubble-rings they'd create then attack, and the very well-trained sea lion. I had a few personally satisfying outbursts; when the trainer asked the crowd "What is one of the dolphin's main predators?" and I exclaimed "Man!". Also when this critter lady was showing some children a millipede and asked them what millipedes eat, I blurted out "Children!". Ah, another job well done.
All the photos are in the gallery, found by clicking the thumbnail above. I also have 3 MOVIES: the dolphin playing volleyball, the beluga, and the sea otters.