On Thursday night Fletcher had a BBQ / pool party. Hilarity ensued. (that one's for you Jonoid - I'm stealing your favourite word).
While I was waiting for my ride, I got some photos of the sky from my front yard. The forest fires near Spences Bridge were causing the unique colour of sky. I also got a nice photo of the pool and the big dipper once I arrived.
Jill's dad, Mack, made an appearance at the party. We were all chanting "Mack, Mack, Mack" when he got there, and coincidentally Drechsler owns a "Show your rack for Mack" t-shirt which he wore in Mack's honour. Jill took Mack home before the end because he was so cool that she must have gotten jealous... although her official reason was that he was "cramping her style".
As usual, Drechsler was a one man gong-show so most of the antics and photos involved him. He tossed Kelsey in the pool, and afterwards she dropped a bottle but insisted on picking up the glass shards and holding them in her hand for a while.
At one point we were all laughing so hard Drechsler was on the floor crying.
Later on in the night, the meatzza that Drechsler ordered had not arrived after 45 minutes. He was in no state to make a telephone call to ask why - or even hold a telephone - so Fletcher held the phone for him. The conversation went like this: "Pizza..... piiiizzzzzaaaaaa......" before they hung up.
Before the pizza arrived, Drechsler ran off, presumably to take a nap in a ditch. Fletcher and I found him and Fletcher noted that he didn't need a meatzza because he already had one sitting in a puddle next to him. There's a photo of Fletcher yelling "MEATZZAAAAA" before posing with a semi-conscious Drechsler.
Alex attempted to get payback for a teabagging incident, but Drechsler awoke and wrestled him with a burst of energy out of nowhere, before passing out once more.
The pizza eventually came, but Tammy had to pay for it as Drechsler had no wallet and wasn't even conscious.