Treesh was gracious enough to lend us her car for Easter weekend and I pounced on the opportunity to get my first crack at surfing while also spending the weekend with some of my favourite people; Jessie, Jenn, and TomOker. Our trip began with us all getting up at 3:45am to catch the 6:30am ferry on Friday (Easter weekend remember), and just barely cramming 4 packs + 4 people + kayak into a Civic hatchback. We've had lots of practise over the years cramming 5 packs and 5 people into Jordan's Civic sedan, so this wasn't a huge problem. While waiting for the ferry, Jessie and I christened my new hacky sack.
The weather was wild in Tofino with multiple freak hail storms occuring with sunny skies, and rain pouring for mere minutes before skies breaking open again. I had a chance to tour Ucluelet, Tofino, and some beautiful rainforest trails. I boogie-boarded on two days because the waves were huge (5m, 12s) and nobody was renting gear out. I finally got my chance to surf on Monday morning with sunny weather and perfect 2m rollers. OkerJ's photos have all the surfing in them, as he ventured chest high into huge surf with his thousand dollar camera to get some amazing shots. Then the camera sputtered and died and he lost his CF card somewhere.
To see a movie of the surf crashing onto rocks in Ucluelet, click here. This is a largish movie so I'll be removing it in the future.
To view my photos click the thumbnail above. To view Oker's unbelievable photos click here.