Barry had a job interview in Penticton, and I happened to have a hookup for a ride out there. I headed down there with no plan on what to do except hike and slackline, and had an excellent time. We met lots of interesting people, including a couple of jugglers on Monday named Harvest and David, who reside in Masset on the Queen Charlotte Islands. They tried to teach me to unicycle (I know Alex would be happy to hear that) and juggle, while I tried to teach them how to slackline. Movies of them juggling are here, here
and here.
Barry and I also did a little "hitchhiking", but I'm not sure if it really qualifies as such. We walked an hour to Wal-Mart so Barry could buy socks, then decided our 1 hour walk home was not going to be fun due to the previous day's hike. So I asked an old man for a ride back into downtown if it was on his way, and he dropped us off by the hostel. Before letting us into his car he checked our shoes and clothes to see if we were dirty, because he felt that this car had to last a long time and by getting it dirty it would shorten its life. The car was absolutely immaculate, I swear it didn't have a speck of dirt in it. He told us about his life of retirement, and how he lived in Thailand on $50/month rent and chased after hot young (relatively) widows. Apparently the women there marry much older businessmen who end up dying and leaving the women all their money when the women are still in their 40s and 50s. But the Canadian government started taxing the beejesus out of this old dude so he was forced to end the party and come back here. Poor guy.
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