Alright so my first webpage was miko's world brought to you by dreamweaver and consisting of random thoughts and photographs. It wasn't clean looking, took too long to create new pages, and I basically abandoned it in August 2005. It has 10 great entries spanning over a few years of life.
Next came my Imagestation photo gallery (login/password: guestmike) which contains albums of photos from trips and travel I've done during the 2004-2005 school year. Its a pain in the butt, and doesn't let me add much commentary.
So I got the JapaniBook and decided it was a good time to start a blog with lots of photo links: I call it the photo/weblog or phweblog for short. (Yes! A new word!) I hope this JapaniBook is here to stay or else my phweblog is going down everytime I leave the house with the iBook.
jTom also expressed an interest in a creating a shoutcast server but that'll come later.