Hello again, I´m now in La Paz, Bolivia. I´ve been told that this is the cheapest country in South America and I believe it. Our hostel is a bit pricey at $4 per night and our daily food costs are running around $5 (for restaurants, 3 meals a day).
Since the last update, we've gone to Puno on the shore of Lake Titicaca and visited the famous Los Uros islands made entirely of reeds, where people live in reed houses and even eat the reeds. This lake is the highest navigable lake in the world at 3800m we the air is noticeable thinner. Then we traveled around Lake Titicaca into Bolivia where we had a very interesting border crossing and took a $1 bus ride to the ancient city of Tiwanaku to see the ruins. Then we took another $1 ride to La Paz.
Tomorrow we bicycle down 4000m vertical meters on the worlds most dangerous road (dont worry it´s safer on a bike than in a car), on our way to the jungle of Rurrenbaque for a 5 day adventure.
Click the thumbnail above for the entire Peru gallery.